PILATES with The Food Athlete

The magic of pilates! 

The magic of pilates! 

Happy New Year Food Athletes!  How's it going so far? Raise your hand if your new year resolution is something on the get healthier topic. Yep, thought so. Lots of you choose fitness as your specific goal I have a hunch. Sure food is right up there on the list, and some of you may want both. Good thing you came to visit me because I just so happen to do both. I created The Food Athlete to grind into you cute little heads that health, fitness, food, go hand in hand in hand. Here's the good news, you do not have to do it all at once. You want to get your sweat on, and that is the top priority, then let's do it!

I have a brand spanking new one-of-a-kind reformer. It has all the bells and whistles that a traditional Pilates reformer has so I can teach you all the classical tricks. PLUS, this machine has a back end that takes your workout to another level! 

Show of hands again, do you answer yes to the following:

  • You feel intimidated by group classes?
  • Do you want one on one, personal attention?
  • Are you dealing with an injury(is)?
  • You want to brush up on your Pilates skills and technique before jumping back into a group exercise class.
  • You feel like everyone is looking at you and judging you.
  • You want to train a specific body part, ex: get your bootie higher and tighter. Tone up arms. Stronger abs. 
  • You want to be more confident in ALL areas of your life and become physically stronger. 

Look, the deal is we all have different needs, and I love teaching group classes and its fun to take them, however sometimes you need extra TLC and getting lost in a crowded classroom feels scary and frustrating. 

I have many certifications in various genres of Pilates. My back round, the core (get it) of my training is classical Pilates. However, I also have other fitness credentials. 

Body Balancing Contrology
The Physical Mind Institute
NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine
Lagree Method
NPC (National Physique Committee) Prize Placing Competitor
Certified Nutritionist LMU- Health Wellness and Sports
So as you can see, I can back up my talk. It is not just what I know but what you cannot teach is instinct, intuition, motivation, passion, and inspiration. I have a page on my site with just a handful of testimonials. I do recognize that everyone is not a perfect match for me. Moreover, the same is true that you may not be a good fit for me as my student. It will all come down to your level of commitment, how we work together and our dedication to your sessions. I will promise you this; we will have fun!

I have created a super special, special in honor of this new year 2018!  

  • Package of 30 private one-on-one, 1 hour Pilates sessions.
  • Savings of over $ 20 on each session.
  • 3 sessions a week. Completed in 3 months. OR
  • 2 sessions a week. Completed in 4 months. 

Visit my contact page here to get in touch with me for more details. 


HOT OFF THE PRESSES THIS MORNING FROM AN ADORING FAN. D.B. - 1/9/18See more from my students both Athletes and Food (fitness & nutrition) here. 


See more from my students both Athletes and Food (fitness & nutrition) here. 

2018 is your year! You got this, I have your back!

Be Healthy, Be Happy, Love Your Body, 

xo Jessi (Your Food Athlete Coach) xo

Soul Warming Cider


Warm Pear Cinnamon Cider

Holiday cheer is near! Time to start bundling up, warming our hearts and snuggling up with warm soul food. Today I am using one of my fave of all time fall fruits, the powerful, passionate pear. Its subtle in its sweetness, so it soaks up all the spicy notes of the cinnamon, cloves, and anise plus bringing out its PEAR-fact flavor to make a comforting cider. Break out Grammys tea set, throw a log in the fireplace, tuck into a fuzzy throw blanket because it is the most wonderful time of the year! 


Cider Fixins':

4 Cups of Pear Juice or Nectar- unsweetened. I love Bai if you want to use a slightly sweetened and antioxidant infused super juice. 

Alternatively, if you want to go entirely natural peel, core and slice about eight pears, pour water over to cover them and then add an extra hour of cooking. When all the ingredients cook together, it is simply aromatic, and you will feel the warmth of the holiday season throughout your home. 
Strain liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth to retrieve the juice minus the pulp. 

4 Whole Cloves

4 Cinnamon Sticks

1 Star Anise

1/2 Fresh Squeezed Lemon

4 Tbs. Organic Brown Sugar- if you prefer unsweetened then omit. You can always sweeten after with your sweetener of choice. 

Bring all ingrediants to a boil in a large pot. Simmer for 30 minutes. Pour into your favorite mug with a cinnamon stick, and a pinch of ground cinnamon sprinkled on top. 

Store extra in a mason jar in the fridge to sip cider throughout the season.


Happy Holidays Food Athletes!

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Love Your Body,

xo Jessi (Your Food Athlete Coach) xo